Friday, November 9, 2012


We arrived at Happy Trails RV Resort in Surprise, Arizona (2640 km from Grand Forks) mid-morning on Nov 1 and had a quick check-in.  

Because we are renting from a lot owner, all we had to do at the security gate is get a decal for the truck and they gave us a map to our lot.  We had to figure the rest of it out ourselves which was no problem as we've done this sort of thing many times before.  At the lot, we had a good look around before backing the trailer into the spot.  It was a bit challenging (so what’s new?) with a palm tree with large fronds on one side that blocked Stuart’s view at times.  

The lot is very wide but there are overhead fans that hang down on one side so we had to keep the RV to the left of that area.  It all worked out and we were parked and set up before lunch.

The owner came to meet us and gave us the keys to the mailbox and the shed that is on the lot.  Now, the term “shed” reminds me of a place to store your lawn mower or your firewood.  Here, it can be anything from an empty room for storage to a mini house.  The shed on our lot has a toilet in a room, laundry sink, washer and dryer, cupboards, a long table and an upstairs storage area that in a pinch could be used for sleeping.  So if we get company, we have a place to put them.  Or maybe it’s a place for Stuart when he misbehaves???

The lot is covered by an aluminum roof that is 14 ft. high and there are privacy louvered walls at the back and on one side behind the shed.  It is very private here and although it is darker inside the trailer due to the roof, we feel like our living area is huge.  

There is an outdoor kitchen with a long counter, a sink and small fridge.  

Behind the shed is a protected area with a roll up door for more storage and the BBQ.  There are lights and outlets in many locations so we can be doing stuff out here after dark.  When we’ve been at an open lot, it has been difficult to BBQ after sunset which is around 5:30 these days.

We’ve been busy since we settled in, going out for groceries and stocking up on household items.  We brought very little with us on this trip.  We’ve joined the pickleball club and have played about 5 times.  It seems like a good group and we are feeling more at home each time we go out.  We’re going to join the billiards club today although we already played a couple of games a few days ago.

Next posting will have photos of the resort outside our lot.

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Living Large Defined

After retiring from the BC Forest Service, selling their home in Kamloops and living at "no fixed address" for 10 months, Linda and Stuart bought a house in Grand Forks. They are now embracing life in this small community as well as Snowbirding south for the winter and are living "larger" than their dreams. This is Linda's blog of their adventures.



About Me

Grand Forks - Spring/Summer/Fall, British Columbia, Canada
Linda is Stuart's wife: referred to by him as, "She who must be obeyed" LOL
