Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Well, we are getting to the end of the garage project but have been waiting for a couple of the trades people.  The drywall process seemed to take a long time due to the drying time between the mudding and sanding sequences.  This is how it all went:

Day 22  Move the stairs and hang drywall

Day 23  Tape and mud the drywall

Day 24  Sand and mud the drywall

Day 25  Sand and mud the drywall again

Day 26  Final sanding of the drywall

Day 27  Spray and roll the primer paint

Day 28  Move the stairs back and paint around doors, windows and outlets

Day 29  Final electrical work—outlet covers and main power

Day 30  Install garage overhead door 

Hopefully, the project will be completed in 2 more work days.  Yay!!

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Living Large Defined

After retiring from the BC Forest Service, selling their home in Kamloops and living at "no fixed address" for 10 months, Linda and Stuart bought a house in Grand Forks. They are now embracing life in this small community as well as Snowbirding south for the winter and are living "larger" than their dreams. This is Linda's blog of their adventures.



About Me

Grand Forks - Spring/Summer/Fall, British Columbia, Canada
Linda is Stuart's wife: referred to by him as, "She who must be obeyed" LOL
