Wednesday, April 25, 2012


When we first decided to purchase a second vehicle, we started making plans to have the carport extended into a 2 bay garage attached to the house.  We made contacts with contractors in Grand Forks before we left Yuma and had a reasonable estimate from the one company.  So shortly after we returned home, we met with the contractor, made the deal and the project started last Thursday.

The best way to share the project with you is with photos from each work day.

Day 1  Siding removed and existing concrete floor cut

Day 2  Jackhammer the concrete to be removed

Day 3  Shore up the existing carport, remove the posts, remove sod and dig the trenches for the footings

Day 4  Build the footings forms, get an inspection (only had to wait an hour or so—love our small town), pour the concrete footings

Day 5  Build the foundation forms

And tomorrow is Day 6 when they will be pouring the foundation concrete.  Stay tuned.

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Living Large Defined

After retiring from the BC Forest Service, selling their home in Kamloops and living at "no fixed address" for 10 months, Linda and Stuart bought a house in Grand Forks. They are now embracing life in this small community as well as Snowbirding south for the winter and are living "larger" than their dreams. This is Linda's blog of their adventures.



About Me

Grand Forks - Spring/Summer/Fall, British Columbia, Canada
Linda is Stuart's wife: referred to by him as, "She who must be obeyed" LOL
