Tuesday, March 6, 2012


On February 25, we went out geocaching with friends of ours from Canada and spent a couple of hours hiking out in the desert.  We were in a military zone called the Barry Goldwater Ranger and had to get permits (free ones) at the Marine Corps Air Station.  Geocaching is a real-world outdoor treasure hunting game.  Players try to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, using GPS-enabled devices and then share their experiences online.  If you go to the linked website http://www.geocaching.com/, you can watch a 2 minute video about the game.  We walked about 4 miles on one big loop and found all the caches.  I didn't have the camera with me so there are no photos of ours to show, but here are some photos that we found online.

The Yuma Senior Games ended on February 29 with a potluck luncheon and slide show of all the events.  There was plenty of good food to eat and the Parks & Recreation department provided the cooked chicken and drinks.  The games this year had 698 entrants who participated in multiple events which totalled over 2000 individual participants in the games.  There was a wide range of ages with the oldest ones at 92 and 94—they are the couple in the photo below.  What might you be doing at that age?

The weather has been very warm for the past few days with daytime highs of 29 C.  It’s unusually warm for this early in March but everyone seems to be enjoying it.  There is a 3 day shuffleboard tournament going on at our resort and some of the people were getting very hot yesterday.  We haven’t learned how to play yet—maybe we’ll learn when we can’t play pickleball or golf anymore.

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Living Large Defined

After retiring from the BC Forest Service, selling their home in Kamloops and living at "no fixed address" for 10 months, Linda and Stuart bought a house in Grand Forks. They are now embracing life in this small community as well as Snowbirding south for the winter and are living "larger" than their dreams. This is Linda's blog of their adventures.



About Me

Grand Forks - Spring/Summer/Fall, British Columbia, Canada
Linda is Stuart's wife: referred to by him as, "She who must be obeyed" LOL
